Curious if stress is maybe to blame for some of your symptoms? Cortisol, our stress hormone, is released from our adrenal glands. Chronic stress can cause adrenal dysfunction. Take the quiz below to see if adrenal imbalance is affecting you.
Symptoms of Adrenal Imbalance:
1) I have experienced long periods of stress that have affected my well being or driven me to exhaustion.
2) I tend to gain weight, especially around the middle (spare tire).
3) My ability to handle stress and pressure has decreased.
4) I don’t think as clearly as I used to; I suffer from brain fog.
5) I suffer from nervous stomach indigestion when tense.
6) I have many unexplained fears/anxieties.
7) I am chronically fatigued and it's usually not relieved by sleep.
8) I feel weaker than I used to and / or I am having a hard time putting on muscle.
9) I have one or more chronic diseases and / or frequently get illnesses.
10) My joints ache or I have arthritis.
11) I have allergies that are getting worse in severity and duration.
12) I get frequent headaches and/or migraines.
13) I have low or high blood pressure.
14) I get lightheaded or dizzy when rising rapidly from a seated or lying position.
15) I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
16) I have unexplained rashes or discolorations on my skin.
17) I have feelings of hopelessness and despair.
18) Everything seems like a chore.
19) I am easily fatigued especially when there is an increase in stress.
20) I have difficulty getting up in the morning.
21) I often have an afternoon low between 3:00-5:00 PM.
22) I usually feel my best after 6:00 PM.
23) My best, most refreshing sleep often comes right before my alarm goes off.
24) I wake frequently in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.
25) I have increasing symptoms of PMS.
26) My periods are generally heavy.
27) I have loss of sexual drive or have sexual difficulties.
28) I need coffee or some other stimulant to get going.
29) I get low energy, moody, brain fog if I do not eat regularly.
30) I have been told I'm pre-diabetic or diabetic.